dissabte, 29 de desembre del 2012
BUTTER THE CHILDREN. Butter the children EP
Grup de NYC compost per membres de Sweet Bulbs, Bight Manager i Le Rug que practiquen cançons de post punk ben addictives. Es tracta del seu primer treball i el comparteixen amb aquells que vulguin.
Sunglasses’ debut LP, Wildlife, is a winding collection of bright, eclectic journeys through the group’s unique sonic universe. The duo of singer/multi-instrumentalist Samuel Cooper and sound designer Brady Keehn use everything from acoustic guitars to iPhones, seamlessly blending analogue with digital to immersive, psychedelic effect. They first gained attention with the ingenious video for “Whiplash,” and Wildlife doubles down on that song’s promise with epic tone and artistic maturity. Album opener “Namesake” tells listeners to “hold on,” which is good advice at the beginning of a wild ride. Standout tracks like “Common Sense” and the furiously shifting “Blessing” push and pull in many different directions, as Sunglasses weaves between sun-drenched, Smile-inspired vibes and extensive detours into the lands of sound collage, synth pop, and hip-hop. With its crunchy drums and wailing guitars, album centerpiece “Swim” is cathartic wave of increasingly intense crescendos, while the titular track is a baroque excursion reminiscent of the Flaming Lips and Harry Nilsson. Each song has an underlying pop sensibility and an expansive quality that rewards repeat listens. Wildlife, by Sunglasses, is an excitingly creative debut.(mush records)
dijous, 27 de desembre del 2012
GUNG HO. Singles
Gung Ho són de Brisbane (Austràlia) i practiquen una espècie de surf pop melòdic ben interessant. Aquí en teniu dues petites mostres del seu bandcamp.
Long Walks On The Beach són un grup format a Washington DC que han anat editant singles des de fa estona sense haver editat encara cap llarga durada, almanco que jo sàpiga, avui vos deix els enllaços perquè els pogueu anar escoltant i descarregant, la majoria són de descàrrega gratuïta. Hi quedareu ben enganxats de segur, el seu pop contagiós té aquests efectes.
dimecres, 26 de desembre del 2012
Anam avui al Japó per fer referència a una recopilació que em va arribar a través del correu electrònic ja fa un temps. Es tracta de nou peces de grups que editen al segell japonès Ano(t)racks i que van des de l'indie pop, fins al twee-pop i alguna d'elles podríem dir que s'acosta al noise-pop. En general música que se deixa escoltar i grups, alguns d'ells, que prediuen un futur interessant. Podeu trobar un enllaç gratuït al "mirror" de Mediafire.
In this respect, Soon V.A. doesn’t disappoint, as it’s nine tracks from nine different artists. I’ve never been to Japan, but listening to these tunes makes me imagine there is a very vibrant underground music scene going on somewhere. I’d classify these songs, on the whole, as surf twee. There are breathy vocals, jangly guitars, and sprightly rhythms to the gills. A lot of the vocals are hard to make out, but I think they’re mostly in English. The Paellas open things up with “Not So Sweet”, and predictably their contribution is one of the stand outs. Twangy Twangy and Old Lacy Bed’s tracks are another two of my favorites. But what the fuck do I know? Choose your own.(http://beeronmyboatshoes.tumblr.com)
dilluns, 24 de desembre del 2012
MARS WATER. Tempus Fugit
Mars Water és un grup que vaig descobrir amb el seu primer treball "Here we are" i que havia deixat una mica de banda. Una mescla de lo-fi, pop, algun detall de surf-pop i unes veus que em recordaven, encara que sigui una mica de lluny, la veu de Dean Wareham als primers discs de Galaxie 500, sobretot del "On Fire". Aquest juliol editaren el seu segon llarga durada però no ha estat fins fa uns dies que l'he descobert amagat en un recopilatori d'un bloc que segueixo sovint, http://www.dingusonmusic.com, així que aquí el vos deix perquè els pugueu seguir. Un treball que segueix la línia de les primeres composicions de Mars Water.
A timeline of things, places, events, and people in the life you’ve been given. Angst, boredom. Skeptics, unfamiliarity. Youth. Melancholy repetition, empty time spent wondering. Drifting through age. Pleading, convincing. Closure, the things remembered and said about you when you’re gone. Mars Water’s “Tempus Fugit” is a celebration of life and death, the stages of the hopes and dreams that complete us somewhere between the beginning and the end.
The third record and second full length from Mars Water is titled ‘Tempus Fugit’ meaning ‘Time Flies’ in Latin. Time is something I think about a lot. It’s something hard to describe as well, as there are many qualities accompanying a standard definition of time, such as nostalgia, impatience, deadlines, angst, etc.
‘Tempus Fugit’ is a concept album about time and its related qualities, and features a recurring time motif throughout the album’s course. The album includes an instrumental suite progressing from life to death each song. These songs are titled, “The Living,” “The Sasha,” and, “The Zamani.” Swahili culture is known to believe that stages of history or life progress through these stages, where you are either living, in the Sasha, or in the Zamani. The living stage is self explanatory. In the Sasha stage, you have died, but people still remember you and you live on through memory. This is an interesting stage to think about as you would imagine someone would want to leave a mark on the world to stay in the Sasha longer. In a sense, you are a living dead. One enters the Zamani when the last person who remembered them dies, and they have completely passed. Each song of the suite will try and capture the concept of each stage instrumentally.
The track order in ‘Tempus Fugit’ begins with the sound of children to symbolize the start of life, and continues to get more serious in instrumentation and lyrical content to symbolize the progression and maturation of life until death.
The album cover signifies ‘Time Flies’ by depicting an older man reflecting on his past and simpler times, while looking over the ever expanding suburbia. He may be thinking how much the time has changed and flown by in his life.
All components of the album, being the songs, track list, art, lyrics, etc., come together to create Tempus Fugit. I hope you enjoy the concept and all the components of the album! . (Bandcamp)
‘Tempus Fugit’ is a concept album about time and its related qualities, and features a recurring time motif throughout the album’s course. The album includes an instrumental suite progressing from life to death each song. These songs are titled, “The Living,” “The Sasha,” and, “The Zamani.” Swahili culture is known to believe that stages of history or life progress through these stages, where you are either living, in the Sasha, or in the Zamani. The living stage is self explanatory. In the Sasha stage, you have died, but people still remember you and you live on through memory. This is an interesting stage to think about as you would imagine someone would want to leave a mark on the world to stay in the Sasha longer. In a sense, you are a living dead. One enters the Zamani when the last person who remembered them dies, and they have completely passed. Each song of the suite will try and capture the concept of each stage instrumentally.
The track order in ‘Tempus Fugit’ begins with the sound of children to symbolize the start of life, and continues to get more serious in instrumentation and lyrical content to symbolize the progression and maturation of life until death.
The album cover signifies ‘Time Flies’ by depicting an older man reflecting on his past and simpler times, while looking over the ever expanding suburbia. He may be thinking how much the time has changed and flown by in his life.
All components of the album, being the songs, track list, art, lyrics, etc., come together to create Tempus Fugit. I hope you enjoy the concept and all the components of the album! . (Bandcamp)
AURAL BURROWS. Crescent Moon
Publicat l'abril de 2012, Crescent moon és el segon Ep d'Aural Burrows. Dues peces de pop molt agradables que ens recorden els millors moments de Felt, un grup que els anys 80 varen editar al mitic segell Creation. L'ànima del grup, Tim Brown és originari de San Antonio (Texas).
Whilst creating soundscapes reminiscent of 80′s pop that belong in films such as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, he proves to be a rare, modest musician in an age where swagger overshadows quality. Now with a new single entitled “Crescent Moon” coming out on Housewarming on April 10th, you have a lot to be excited about. ~ Erik David Hidde
diumenge, 23 de desembre del 2012
Ens visita en aquesta ocasió un grup de Brighton. Els Tyrannosaurus Dead amb un Ep de títol Lemonade i que conté quatre peces de noise-pop de molta qualitat d'entre les quals destaca Miseru Guts, un autèntic plaer per a les orelles dels qui gaudeixen amb aquest tipus de composicions altament addictives. Melodies contagioses i guitarres punxants són le seva carta de presentació. Un grup a seguir.
Title track Lemonade boasts a fine example of Eleanor Rudge and Billy Lowe’s gorgeous vocals intertwined in harmony whilst riding upon a sea of brutal guitars and piercing drums. Misery Guts bursts through the wall to grab you at speed caped in grunge from every angle before closer Always Fine slows down to drop us home with its haunting vocal tone as we are full of reluctance to see it finish so soon. (sexbeatlondon.com)
PRISSY CLERKS. Bruise or be Bruised
Si en alguns moments vàreu sentir una atracció irresistible cap a les primeres Breeders no deixeu d'escoltar aquest disc. Vos deix l'enllaç de Bandcamp per poder-lo escoltar i una peça per descarregar gratuïtament.
Forged Artifacts is excited to announce our next release: "Bruise or Be Bruised," the debut album from Prissy Clerks. After stumbling through minor success and heartbreak in her teenage twee band Total Babe, Clara Salyer traded her Softies records for Sebadoh and began exploring a heavier, scrappier side of the 90s with Prissy Clerks. After recruiting fellow Babe drummer Tim Lieck and Minneapolis vets Howard Hamilton, Dylan Ritchie and Emily Lazear, Prissy Clerks quickly carved out their own niche locally, opening up for acts like The Corin Tucker Band, Caveman and Young Prisms. After a trip to SXSW, the band returned to record their debut album, splitting recording duties between Brent Sigmeth (Unreset, Low, Superchunk) and Ali Jafaar (Hollow Boys). Bruise or Be Bruised brings the listener into Salyer's fragile self-conscious, tracing her resurgence from a dark isolation into uncharted beginnings, all wrapped in punchy pop songs.(forgedartifacts.com)
grup d'avui arriba des de Minneapolis i ho fa amb un treball que
podríem enquadrar dins un context de noise-pop, shoegaze i altres
herbes del mateix estil. Un disc gravat amb poc mitjans però on
podem trobar una inspiració clara i un esperit de recerca que és el
que anam cercant en les nostres publicacions. Els Flaming Lips podria
ser un dels grups a qui hauríem de fer referència a l'hora de fer
comparacions. Ja sé que a vegades no serveixen de mlt i que cada un
té les seves coses. Aquests International Karate han facturat un
treball molt interessant i que vos recoman amb vehemència.
Karate is Tommy Rehbein + various friends creating noisy, dreamy, and
sometimes melancholy pop music. (Bandcamp)
United" by International Karate is an album of Indie Fuzz Rock.
heady electronic distortion that leads the majority of most pieces
gives everything a heady psychedelic vibe that really makes
everything sound simply more cool, and properly decorated. The
production at times is pretty Lo-Fi, but controlled... it's not
maxing out and doesn't sound cheap, just unmastered.
like "Inammorata" start off shrill and abrasive, before
dropping off into a melancholy clean production that eventually
delves into space rock, then a combination of all elements.
tracks border on 80's synth pop complete with sound bytes and samples
(such as in the track "Astronautique"), while others choose
to take a turn into experimental noise rock, making the album hard to
pin down... think a combination of Pavement and Flaming Lips. Overall
the record is a very enjoyable (examiner.com)
divendres, 21 de desembre del 2012
gold” és ja el quart àlbum del Motel Beds. Una banda de Dayton
(Ohio) que va traient disc rere disc fent el mateix tipus de treball,
un treball atemporal on poden trobar influències de grups de
deferits èpoques. Des dels Flaming Groovies, els Plimsouls, els Big
Star fins i tot dels primers Pink Floyd amb el geni visionari de Syd
Barret. En les seves composicions podem trobar detalls de power-pop,
de garatge, harmonies sixties que fan que a cada peça hi vagis
trobant algun detall que t'enganxi.
El cantant PJ Paslosky sona tal com escoltava en les emisores AM de la seva infantesa, Ian Kaplan a la bateria imprimeix sempre un ritme psico -cinètic, les dues guitarres, Tommy Cooper i Darryl Robbins mantenen el ritme sense arestes travessat a moments per riffs contagiosos. El baixista Tod Weidner, la darrere incorporació a la banda, amb el seu recolzament a les veus i el seu joc fluid d'harmonies ha elevat notòriament el nivell global del grup.
El cantant PJ Paslosky sona tal com escoltava en les emisores AM de la seva infantesa, Ian Kaplan a la bateria imprimeix sempre un ritme psico -cinètic, les dues guitarres, Tommy Cooper i Darryl Robbins mantenen el ritme sense arestes travessat a moments per riffs contagiosos. El baixista Tod Weidner, la darrere incorporació a la banda, amb el seu recolzament a les veus i el seu joc fluid d'harmonies ha elevat notòriament el nivell global del grup.
cançó del disc ofereix alguna cosa de nou i de diferent. La
qualitat és suficientment elevada i uniforme com per no descartar
cap de les composicions. És un treball que es pot escoltar de dalt a
baix sense trobar cap peça que baixi de nivell, com solia passar a
treballs de grups mítics. L'àlbum suggereix una intrigant mescla
d'innocència infantil i de temes per adults cosa que fa pensar que
les ànimes dels membres del grup circulen per carrerons estrets i
Gold és una gran passa endavant per aquest grup una passa que els
pot engegar una carrera cap a un altre status, encara que, repassat
la seva trajectòria, és molt possible que això no passi.
dijous, 20 de desembre del 2012
BEST FRIEND. Best Friend
Així mateix aniré fent menció de les publicacions a través del meu mur de Facebook.
La primera entrada ve de Tenesse, es diuen Best Friend i el seu primer treball en format llarga durada duu el mateix nom del grup. Una treball en l'ona dels il·lustres Pavement i que mereix un seguiment atent. Vos deix aquí una ressenya que he trobat i que em sembla molt interessant:
I felt like this was the absolute perfect album for me to listen to today. Sometimes you need to listen to songs about broken hearts and restlessness in order to release it from your own mind. Best Friend is such a pure display of emotion set to wonderfully consuming surf rock. Let your heart bleed a little. It’s ok and you have Best Friend to help heal the wound.@LeahLovecat