diumenge, 23 de desembre del 2012
PRISSY CLERKS. Bruise or be Bruised
Si en alguns moments vàreu sentir una atracció irresistible cap a les primeres Breeders no deixeu d'escoltar aquest disc. Vos deix l'enllaç de Bandcamp per poder-lo escoltar i una peça per descarregar gratuïtament.
Forged Artifacts is excited to announce our next release: "Bruise or Be Bruised," the debut album from Prissy Clerks. After stumbling through minor success and heartbreak in her teenage twee band Total Babe, Clara Salyer traded her Softies records for Sebadoh and began exploring a heavier, scrappier side of the 90s with Prissy Clerks. After recruiting fellow Babe drummer Tim Lieck and Minneapolis vets Howard Hamilton, Dylan Ritchie and Emily Lazear, Prissy Clerks quickly carved out their own niche locally, opening up for acts like The Corin Tucker Band, Caveman and Young Prisms. After a trip to SXSW, the band returned to record their debut album, splitting recording duties between Brent Sigmeth (Unreset, Low, Superchunk) and Ali Jafaar (Hollow Boys). Bruise or Be Bruised brings the listener into Salyer's fragile self-conscious, tracing her resurgence from a dark isolation into uncharted beginnings, all wrapped in punchy pop songs.(forgedartifacts.com)
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