Des de Melbourne ens arriba aquesta nova proposta musical fabricada per Coloured Clocks. Passat el shock que va representar el darrer treball de Tame Impala aquests al·lotets pretenen seguir una mica mica el cami iniciat per aquells i el resultat, tot i no arribar al nivell dels seus "guies espirituals" sí que ens fa passar una estona agradable. Moltes influències del beat i de músiques dels 60s van apareixent mentres es van desenvolupant les pistes. Amb una mica més de personalitat pròpia arribaran a fer un gran treball. Deixem trancórrer el temps i aprofitem ara de forma totalment gratuïta de peces com "Maze" i "Nobody's Watching".
The four-piece from Melbourne, Australia released their sophomore album Nectarine on December 18 completely free on Bandcamp.
The first single “Maze” is a fine indie pop song, traditionally structured and with a airy guitar riff that eventually gets filled in with accompanying drums, sweet, gargled melodies and smudgy vocals. With a voice resembling an Aussie Brian Aubert (singer from the Silversun Pickups) vocalist James Wallace seems to be attempting to reinterpret a dance through the dream state in musical form.
The track is a 4 minute and 30 second opening glimpse into the places Coloured Clocks can go; “Maze” works as a fitting rabbit-hole into the warren of psych-swells, echoes and noise experiments Nectarine features. “Maze” is much better technically and musically than much of what comes across the more listened-to airwaves these days and the melody will probably squirm its way into the heads of many listeners.(
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