divendres, 15 de febrer del 2013
La sorpresa del dia ha estat aquesta, un grup de San Diego que no practica surf pop sino un space pop amb algunes pinzellades de shoegaze i altres d'indie pop. Peces que t'enganxen de seguida i que es van engrandint de cada cop més. El grup està format per Gabriel Rodriguez, Cory Stier i Nathan Aguilar i el vos recoman fermament. Escoltau sobretot "Change All", la cançó que obre el disc i si sou capaços de deixar-lo anar m'ho escriviu als comentaris, jo hi he quedat ben enganxat i, a l'acabament de la tarda he decidit que no podia estar ni un dia més sense compartir-lo. El podeu baixar de forma gratuïta del seu soundcloud. Quina meravella!!
A new, under-publicized release from San Diego space pop project Hideout, consisting ofBoomsnake mastermind Gabriel Rodriguez and Cults/Boomsnake live members Cory Stier and Nathan Aguilar, has recently made it’s way onto a small Facebook and Twitter community of followers. The trio toured together in both aforementioned bands and have since recorded and released the first album from Hideout titled LP I for free download on Soundcloud. The album opens with ‘All I Want’ a deeply textured track with repetitively melodic acoustic and electric guitars and the feel of a young Talking Heads. The reasonably ‘verbed out production, tasteful use of delay, and roomy drums brought me back to early 70s Lennon stuff like “Oh Yoko” and succeeds in creating a sound many new bands strive for but fall short of accomplishing. Release after release from this scene of musicians has brought out some of the best minimal, indie-pop songwriting in recent years yet it continues to go underappreciated. [Free Download] @thinknotsleep
"Jocelyne Molinas" mmmm... a jo també m'ha enganxat!!!