dimecres, 27 de març del 2013
POW WOW!. D0n't stop to look
Cinc jovenets i jovenetes de NYC formen aquest grup amb inflències dels 80s i amb una certa retirada, almanco pel que fa a la veu, als Strokes. A la fi de l'any passat varen editar el seu primer treball en format Lp que avui vos presentam. Es tracta d'un treball sense gaires pretensions, directe i senzill i encantador precsament per aquest motiu. Es deixa escoltar mentres vas escrivint aquestes línies i et deixa un regust a temps no perdut que t'alegra el dia. "The devil came to me" i "Don't stop to look" són tal vegada els temes més representatius d'un so molt recomanable si et vols fer un petit regal que et provoqui un somriure sincer.
Voted one of of L Magazine's NYC Bands You Need To hear in 2009 and covered extensively by Brooklyn Vegan, Time Out New York, Village Voice, and various other local and international blog's after having released a handful of EP's and singles between 2009-10, pow wow! returns in 2012 with "Don't Stop To Look," their most diverse, yet focused and finely crafted pop record to date. Keeping true to their march to your own beat mantra as a band, the offerings on Don't Stop Look marry 60+ years of international pop music influence while honestly narrating an experience that is quintessentially New York. Passive and passionate; Yearning yet resigned. Candid, sometimes cryptic, but always conversational in delivery.(The Deli National)
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