divendres, 5 d’abril del 2013
KURT VILE. "Walking on a pretty daze"
Quan ja vaig sentir per primera vegada el single avançament del nou treball de Kurt Vile ja vaig preveure que ens trobaríem davant d'un dels discs d'aquest any. El treball complet no ha fet més que reafirmar-me amb les meves suposicions. Un treball llarg i dens, molt dens, amb composicions que superen quasi totes els sis minuts de durada. Un treball sense estridències, amb un ritme tranquil però farcit d'arestes i de cantonades màgiques que t'absorbeixen. Encara que pugui semblar a primera vista que pot arribar a cansar, res més allunyat de la realitat, el disc t'atreu cap a ell i et fa submergir en aigües poc transitades. Un autèntic plaer per als sentits i, sens dubte a col·locar devora el darrer treball dels Yo La Tengo com allò més important publicat en aquest any.
Phiily's Kurt Vile founding member of indie rock band The War on Drugs has a new album 'Wakin On A Pretty Daze' coming out April 9.
This 69-minute double album is comprised of sweeping, expansive songs that are both very intimate and conversational. Wakin On A Pretty Daze is a timeless record that would have sounded great 30 years ago, sounds great today, and will still sound great in another 30 years’ from now.
Beautifully produced by John Agnello, the record is filled with hazy, swooning guitar lines and dreamy, beatific, and occasionally sardonic vocals. It is summed up by the staggeringly gorgeous 9-minute opener, Wakin On A Pretty Day. The song is also the first video, directed by Jonathan Demme in the spirit of his landmark Springsteen video “Streets Of Philadelphia.”
The record has other connections to Kurt’s home town. Steve Powers (ESPO), the renowned Philly street artist, painted the cover mural on an abandoned building near the Northern Liberties. The album is being announced via a mini-doc of Powers creating the mural with Kurt’s commentary, and the two of them talking about Philadelphian music and visual arts. The mural will be re-created in London, Los Angeles and New York.
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