dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2013
DRINKING FLOWERS. Sanity Restored 1972
Els amants de la psicodèlia en faran una vega d'aquesta entrada. Hi trobarem referències als 13th Floor Elevator, als Spacemen 3, als Loop i altres espècies del moviment neopsicodèlic. Un disc per escoltar tombat fumant alguna cosa agradable. Dens, amb multitud de capes sonores teixides com a teles d'aranya que et captiven de seguida i no et deixen tranquil fins que ha passat una bona estona des del seu acabament.
The sick part of the 60s came back to life in the 90s when a bunch of bands from the UK figured out how to do those supremely nasty Ron Asheton guitar leads, and that’s the sound of locals Drinking Flowers, too—two continents, two generations and probably the first two Stooges LPs all dissolved into one boiling ball of acid. (Thanks to my stomach doctor for that little image.) People may say there’s Spacemen 3 happening here, but this is way more like early Telescopes and even more like Loop, who made raw meat out of riffs and repetition. The guitars are produced perfectly for this kind of thing here—you can hear the friction and heat between every coil on the strings—and each song is its own study in psychedelic unraveling. The first three on this EP just saw away at you, and then it splits into a stomper called “Sink,” a viber called “Animals” that sounds like a Jesus and Mary Chain demo and an awesome wasted one called “Vibrating Violence.” Warlocks fans should check this out and Cosmonauts fans have probably seen these guys play already. The songs start to sting after a while, but that’s how you know they’re working.
—Chris Ziegler
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