dilluns, 11 de novembre del 2013


Els Long Faces vénen de New Jersey i amb els seu grunge pop ens han cridat l'atenció aquest estiu amb la publicació d'aquest nou Ep. Cançons que podrien signar els mateixos Posies o els Gigolo Aunts per no cercar massa enfora, n'Alex Chilton en podria ser una altra referència. Cançons que no tenen altra pretensió que fer-nos passar una estona agradable amb unes bones harmonies vocals i una dòsis justa de mala bava.

It is my pleasure to re-introduce Long Faces to the Dingus community with a new EP and a full-length album in progress. My first reaction while listening to the opener ‘Closer‘ was mild shock at how catchy and smart the hook is for a grungey pop song. With the stale format of 75% of indie-rock these days, it is refreshing to hear a track so well arranged and the 3 songs that follow serve as an equivalent experience. The band is about a year into their evolution and has stayed dutifully on track, cutting back on shows to dig deep into their repertoire and release music for everyone to get behind. This collection of songs is a great representation of the material, energy, and style Long Faces brings to the table and in short time people will be singing the lyrics and anxiously awaiting the full record. For now, do just that and be sure to check out their east coast dates over the next few months.@thinknotsleep