dimarts, 7 de gener del 2014
Al seu moment, no ens vàrem trobar. Ahir ho vàrem fer i no he pogut esperar gens. UN DISCARRO!!! feia estona no passava uns moments tan agradables. Transportat completament als anys 70s i a la psicodèlia dels 60s. NO EL DEIXEU PASSAR!!!!
Let the Moment Land, by Cosmonaut on Vacation, is an incredibly fun, amusement park of an album -- a confident, swaggering collection of '60s garage rock psychedelia and California space rock. It rocks, shreds, echos, gets contemplative ("We Could Use A High Horse") and stretches out a seven minute instrumental jam ("Hallo(w) Gallo(w)"). The studio work, which I suspect is significant for an album like this, is excellent, and the entire proceeding benefits from that element that can be key, but often is forgotten: A big dose of old fashioned rock attitude.
Cosmonaut On Vacation is a product of the fertile Birmingham, Alabama scene, and was formed by former Through the Sparks and Stateside member Greg Slamen. Through the Sparks seems to be on hold, but this album and Nelson's album under the name Dorado from earlier this year suggests that TTS' hiatus may prove to be a boon for us music fans... When You Motor Away...
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