diumenge, 19 de gener del 2014
QUITTY AND THE DONT'S. All of You / No Damage Done 45
Només veure la portada del disc ja podem tenir clar el seu contingut, psicodèlia dels 60s barrejat amb un poc de garatge, els Farfisa ben presents i una producció que segueix els postulats propis del treball. Tot ben perfecte per als amants del gènere.
The '60s never really died, they just came back with better haircuts and cooler names for their drummers (seriously, you're not going to find a better name than Quitty Bastardo). Meet Quitty and the Don'ts, Northern Soul revivalists with fantastic suits to match. The Brooklyn five-piece is channeling Mod better than most bands from across the pond for their latest 45", 'All of You / No Damage Done.' It just goes to show: music that's this much fun, belongs to every decade. Check out side B farfisa filled 'No Damage Done' below. - Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)
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