dissabte, 22 de febrer del 2014
SEA PINKS. Exploded View EP
Els Sea Pinks són de Belfast i la seva música la compararia amb els meus admirats Felt. Música quasi en format acústic, mitjos temps i tranquilitat. Alguna pinzellada de noise acaba de fer un cóctel molt interessant.
The new Exploded View EP from Northern Ireland's Sea Pinks is now available, and it is as good as I had hoped and expected. Four tracks of jangling guitar pop with good melodies, and you can find welcome reminders of the early Creation records sounds here.. This isn't new territory, as fans of band from New Zealand, Glasgow, California and Seattle well know. But are always happy to herald another band in this space, especially when it is done as well as Neil Brogan and his buddies do it.
The title track and "Magpies Eyes" are the two noisier tracks, with the latter displaying some appealing guitar muscle. "PST" and "Pretty Pass" are gentler tunes that we haven't showcased on these pages before.(When you motor away)
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