dimecres, 9 d’abril del 2014
WUSSY. Attica!
Wussy eón una de ses meves debilitats amagades, d'aquells grups que no saps com, però que quan obis la carpeta de cd's moltes vegades el treus com qui no vol la cosa i passes una estona agrable que se fa curta, el tornes deixar al seu lloc sabent que un altre dia et faran gaudir igualment. Un grup que no aconseguirà mai un concert ple de gom a gom, ni falta que fa. Després del memorable "Strawberry", ara ens ofereixen "Attica!" , una nova col·lecció de grans temes. "Teenage Wasteland", el tema que obri el treball ja et deixa un regust de dolçor a les orelles que no decau al llarg dels temes que el segueixen, tal vegada en destacaria "Rainbow and Butterflies" i el tema que dóna nom al disc, "Attica!". I així, tema rere tema arribes a l'acabament i a esperar una nova entrega.
Attica! is the 5th album from Cincinnati’s Wussy, and the first to be released in the UK following the 2012 compilation Buckeye. These 11 new tracks were recorded at John Curley’s (Afghan Whigs) Ultrasuede Studios, and mastered by Dave Davis at QCA, both of Cincinnati, Ohio. 2012 marked the first excursion outside of the US for Wussy’s Chuck Cleaver and Lisa Walker, and Attica! is partly drawn from their experiences. Former Ass Ponys guitarist John Erhardt joins the band as a fifth member on pedal steel, and the album as a whole sees Wussy incorporate new instrumentation including piano, organ, harmonium, synth, mellotron and e-bow. This, together with guests on Cello & Theremin, adds a greater range and depth to their sound.(damnably.com)
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