diumenge, 31 de gener del 2016
divendres, 29 de gener del 2016
HALFSOUR. Tuesday Night Live
Escoltant el primer tema d'aquest treball estava decidit a no seguir, l'havia catalogat immediatament com un d'aquells treballs d'elaboració casolana sense més interès, però llegint el text que he adjuntat me n'he adonat que només es tractava del primer tema que fos una demo-tape. A partir del segon tema ja no he pogut deixar d'escoltar! Indie rock bàsicament amb dues veus que es van alternant al llarg dels temes i que ens recorden molt a les primeres Breeders. Això ja ha de ser determinant per dedicar-los una estona. Temes molt curts i directes per un primer treball que promet. Molt interessants!
As the legend goes, Halfsour started out as a Guided By Voices cover band. Well, I can sort of hear it when I squint my ears, but this coed trio from Boston actually reminds me a lot of the harder-edged indiepop bands of the late '90s/early '00s, specifically New Grenada (of whom they are a dead-ringer, at times) and Wolfie (and its many off-shoots, such as the Like Young and National Splits). Their songs are generally short and punchy - only a few times do they pass the three-minute mark, blasting you with catchy guitar melodies and bratty boy/girl vocals. Following up a short-run demo tape and a split 12" EP with Reports on Ride The Snake Records, this is Halfsour's debut album, and it certainly shows a lot of promise - definitely a band to watch out for! (Bandcamp)
dijous, 28 de gener del 2016
dimarts, 26 de gener del 2016
THE SPIRES. Dreamconfusion
The Spires són de Ventura (California) i els seus referents musicals encaixen perfectament dins la línia de les entrades d'aquest blog. Indie, rock i pop a parts iguals configuren un llistat de dotze temes molt interessants. Els Yo La Tengo, els Felt o els mateixos Luna podrien ajudar a delimitar una mica les seves composicions. Si hagués de posar un emperò a aquest treball seria l'elecció del tema que obri el disc. És el tema que menys m'ha interessat i això pot fer que si algú comença l'escolta per ell, no segueixi i es perdi temes com "Dreamconfusion" o "A re-creation of everyday life". Per tant ja us indíc perfectament per on van els tirs.
diumenge, 24 de gener del 2016
divendres, 22 de gener del 2016
THE ARCH MENACES. Primitive Germs
L'entrada d'avui al blog és una mica especial. Es tracta d'una gravació feta el 2012 però que per molts de problemes no va arribar a veure la llum. Ara, un dels nostres segells de referència, Jigsaw Records, l'edita a la fi. Podeu ben creure que una joia com aquesta no es mereixia un descans tan prolongat. De seguida em varen venir al cap els primers discs dels The Beat, dels Big Star o dels Plimsouls. Power pop de tota la vida i d'una gran qualitat és el que practiquen aquests The Arch Menaces. Un disc on no hi trobarem cap tema "per omplir", aprofitable al cent per cent i amb una contundència aclaparadora. No vull destacar cap tema per aquest motiu, el que sí m'agradaria seria que tots els fans dels mítics grups anomenats anteriorment, féssiu una aturada a aquesta petita meravella. No us en empenedireu
The Arch Menaces of Adelaide, Australia recorded this album (their debut) back in 2012, but ran into trouble after trouble finding a suitable outlet for it, with artwork snafus and two label deals falling through. After a couple of frustrating years, the band just kinda lost steam and fizzled out. Fast forward to late 2015 and with a simple email to Jigsaw HQ, this excellent record has found a home! Lucky for the band, I've long held a soft spot in my heart for Aussie powerpop, which this found its way straight to. Any fan of the Sunnyboys, the Stems or DM3 (or their US counterparts, such as Paul Collins' Beat and the Plimsouls) will love this record, with its instantly catchy songs, big sound and general attitude and confidence befitting a veteran rock band - even though this is only their first record. Let's just hope that this album's belated release will revive the band and get them back into gear! ( bandcamp)
dijous, 21 de gener del 2016
BAKER ISLAND. Four Days In The Life Of The Auto-Icon
Els Baker Island són un grup de Newcastle que ja ha aparegut en altres moments per aquest blog i que ha proporcionat temes a algun dels recopilatoris antics. Ens ofereixen en aquesta ocasió un treball d'una senzillesa encisadora, tal com diuen els companys de narcmagazine "una col·lecció de cançons semi-espontànies". Quatre temes plens de guitarres pop amb una producció d'anar per casa però dotada d'un encant especial.
Newcastle five-piece Baker Island float on the poppier side of the North East’s music scene and the release of a cassette seems perfectly fitting for a band that has a very retro sound. The cassette is of their new EP, Four Days In The Life Of The Auto-Icon, a collection of semi-spontaneous songs, showing a side of the band with a gift for creating in the moment; leading to something very raw, fresh and exciting, and released on Monday 18th January.
Talented makers of lo-fi, fuzzy pop music; this four track collection is full of everything that makes this band such a wonderful listen. Off-kilter vocals, twinkly guitars and a simple but pulsating, bouncy rhythm section kick in through the first two tracks Write Home and Always, 1995. The quirky side of indie pop then gets a little quirkier, and it all gets edgier and just a smidgeon darker on the latter two tracks. A fuzzier, more low key vibe on Confessionary Ticket carries through for the twisted, psych influenced Allotment; which has a knowingly abstract and abrasive undercurrent, all carried off with an endearing charm evident throughout all four tracks.( narcmagazine.com)
dimarts, 19 de gener del 2016
dilluns, 18 de gener del 2016
diumenge, 17 de gener del 2016
SEA PINKS. Soft Ways
Des de Belfast arriben als mons diminuts els Sea Pinks, una banda de brit pop que alguns articles califiquen com a post punk, encara que no hi esteim massa d'acord. el dia 8 del present mes varen publicar aquest treball que ja és el seu segon de llarga durada i segueix el camí del seu anterior "Dreaming Tracks" que ja havíem comentat al seu moment, l'any 2014. Recordar que a l'octubre ja varen sortir al recopilatori mensual amb un dels temes imprescindibles "Depth Of Field". Avui us presentam el treball sencer.
Soft Days is a far-more expansive album than first impressions would lead you to believe. Upfront, the loitering jangled power-pop and introverted post-punk of Sea Pinks make for a well-crafted slice of indie music. Underneath, however, lies more.
After several runs through Soft Days it started to become more apparent how deeply set the hazy malaise of the record is set. The album speaks about the everyday whilst never looking to romanticize or dramatize it. Instead Sea Pinks let reality speak for itself through lyrics like “remember when we used to play it cool. I was 27, you were 22”.
Indeed, the entire album teems with the unavoidable pitfalls and long-held aspirations of life. Songs like ‘Yr Horoscope’, ‘Depth of Field’ and ‘I Won’t Let Go’ all do this, but with very different moods.
Soft Days is by know means a dramatic reinterpretation of the post-punk/pop genre, that’s not the point. It’s what Sea Pinks do with the sound that counts. It molds the album, and gives us an entry point to what is being laid-bare. It’s a story we know, because it’s one we’ve all live in one way or another.
dissabte, 16 de gener del 2016
THE AVES. Good news
Seguim la drecera tranquila encetada ahir amb una nova entrada que arriba de nou des de les antípodes, en aquest cas d'Australia. El grup es diu The Aves i aquest "Good News" és el seu primer treball de llarga durada. Una col·lecció de peces de guitar pop, senzilles, agradables i que et fan passar una bona estona. És, com l'anterior entrada, un treball sense unes gran aspiracions però que et fan emocionar per aquest mateix fet.
Seamlessly weaving tales from the band's travels across the US with those of their home in suburban Adelaide, the debut LP from The Aves exists in a place that feels exotic and also truly close to home, highlighting the stranger elements of Australia's multi-national culture.
This clean-as-a-whistle collection of garage-pop tunes mixes impressive musicianship with an array of influences, culminating in a honed and worldly pop experience. Repetition in melodies and structure is where this record really falls, but the true strength of this outing lies in its lyrics — ripe with quirk, imagination and heart — which give the album its honest-yet-thinly veiled mystique.
divendres, 15 de gener del 2016
The Moonlight Lp es va editar el passat octubre i avui mateix l'hem descobert i ens ha captivat de seguida. Amb reminiscències a grups com els Luna, els Felt o a certs temes dels Yo La Tengo, forçat ens havia de cridar l'atenció. A la primera escolta hem decidit que sortís publicat avui mateix i ara mateix us recomanam que si sou seguidors dels grups esmentats anteriorment, no dubteu a guardar-vos un poc més de mitja horeta per gaudir profundament d'un treball altament recomanable. No hi trobareu, almanco a les primeres escoltes, cap "hit" d'aquells que t'atrapen al moment però només en acabar un tema ja et vénen ganes de més i el disc es fa curt. Esperam nous treballs d'aquest nova zelandesos que a partir d'avui entren per la porta gran al club dels nostres mons diminuts.
The Moonlight released their first album a few weeks ago and are touring NZ at the moment to alert the dozy rugby-obsessed inhabitants of the Land of the Long White Cloud of its existence.“Across The Room” sounds like it could be a lost recording by the Jean Paul Sartre Experience as they transitioned from winsome melodic strum into peerless fuzzy shoegaze giants as JPSE. That good.
Listening through the album it also seems The Moonlight would also have fitted comfortably amongst the chiming pop of some of the 1990s/ 2000s Failsafe Records roster, which included bands like Springloader, Throw and Dolphin, and post-JPSE bands Kimo and Mulchzoid.
There’s something distinctly New Zealand about The Moonlight LP and it’s low key yearning existential strum. Or, as they so eloquently say on their Bandcamp page: “A pent up need to give permanent shape to the flux of experience. That kind of stuff.”(poplibnz.wordpress.com)
Listening through the album it also seems The Moonlight would also have fitted comfortably amongst the chiming pop of some of the 1990s/ 2000s Failsafe Records roster, which included bands like Springloader, Throw and Dolphin, and post-JPSE bands Kimo and Mulchzoid.
There’s something distinctly New Zealand about The Moonlight LP and it’s low key yearning existential strum. Or, as they so eloquently say on their Bandcamp page: “A pent up need to give permanent shape to the flux of experience. That kind of stuff.”(poplibnz.wordpress.com)
dimarts, 12 de gener del 2016
Per segon mes publicam el nostre Top Mensual amb els 10 temes que més ens han agradat dels que hem descobert en aquest espai de temps que sol anar sempre entre mitjan desembre i mitjan gener. Hem d'agrair a la gent de Playmoss la seva amabilitat per proporcionar-nos l'eina que utilitzarem a partir d'aquest mes per anar penjant les nostres llistes de Tops Mensuals. Aquí la teniu:
Arriba el primer recopilatori de l'any 2016 amb una nova imatge de Neus Farrés i carregat de novetats discogràfiques diminutes. Potser sigui una impressió equivocada però ens trobam davant un recopilatori dels que podríem anomenar "fluixet". Realment hem trobat treballs bons però en general, el nivell mitjà no es troba a l'alçada de mesos anteriors, sobretot si ho comparam amb mesos com el juny o juliol de l'any passat. Així i tot vos anim a fer-hi una aturadeta i a gaudir d'aquells temes que més us cridin l'atenció. No us podeu perdre tampoc el Top Mensual que trobareu com a propera entrada amb els 10 temes que modestament trobam com a de més bona qualitat del llistat total d'aquest recopilatori format per 60 cançons.
dilluns, 11 de gener del 2016
diumenge, 10 de gener del 2016
dissabte, 9 de gener del 2016
SWITCHES. All My Darlings
El Canadà sempre ha estat territori de bones bandes com les Switches de les que no havíem rebut notícies des del novembre del 2014 que ja varen aparèixer al recopilatori mensual amb el tema "15 beers". Ara ens arriba un nou treball, aquests Ep de títol "All my Darlings". Tal com diuen al seu bandcamp, una mescla de garatge, punk i rock a parts iguals. Dedicau una estona a escoltar-lo i no us en empenedireu.
divendres, 8 de gener del 2016
Temes directes i impactants de molt curta durada són els que ens ofereixen els Cende en aquest treball que simplement es diu Ep. Cende està format per Greg, Cameron, Dave i Bernar, abans es deien els Downies. Varen editar un single "Widow" i després d'un temps es varen canviar el nom. Els components venen d'altres bandes com els Love LUV i els Porches que ja han tingut cabuda a Els Mons Diminuts en altres ocasions. Power pop accelerat i alguna semblança amb els Pixies són les seves senyes d'identitat. Esperam nous treballs perquè prometen, i molt.
We were pretty impressed with Brooklyn power pop band Downies' first single "Widow" back in May, but then silence fell - we even tried to book them for our CMJ show but no reply was had (by the way, here's an almost absolute truth for you: distorted guitar based bands tend to be horrible at replying to emails, while acoustic musicians tend to be great at it - go figure!). But let's not digress. Downies is now dead, because it has tramsitioned into something else identical to itself in everything but its name, which is now "Cende." They are about to release a debut, self titled EP scheduled for January 2016, but available for full streaming on their bandcamp page. "Is it good?" - you ask. "It's good" we answer. It's fast, distorted grunge-pop, featuring melodies that anybody will have a hard time purging from their system. Five good songs out of five, with the fourth one being not poppy at all, but very Pixies-ish in an extreme and concentrated way. For the record, you'll never get a complaint from us with the word "Pixies" in it; even "they sound too much like The Pixies" should always be interpreted as a huge compliment, as long as it's referred to the band's early years.(The Deli Blog)
dijous, 7 de gener del 2016
Poca coses sabem i hem pogut trobar dels Males llevat que són de Dunedin (Nova Zelanda), que són tres, dos joves i una joveneta: Richard ,Sam i Pipsy. El més important però, és la seva música, un pop de guitarres prou potent i de ritme endimoniat que captiva a la primera escolta. No deixis d'escoltar aquest single amb dos temes que no tenen desperdici.
Depuis son debut EP en 2012, suivi par un excellentissime album (Run Run Run/MalesMalesMales) l’année suivante, Males, le trio de Dunedin formé par Richard Ley-Hamilton, Sam Valentine et Ben « Pipsy » Madden porte haut et fort les couleurs déjantées et festives de la pop surf garage locale. Avec « Go! », l’humeur espiègle est toujours au beau fixe chez nos kiwis préférés.
Sur un jeu de guitare rapide, les mélodies joviales et entêtantes et le chant fluet mais pas frisquet de Richard font leur retour.
Des pointes de vitesse sur « Go! », où la guitare se tire la bourre avec la batterie entre une pause café, et le (re)bondissant « Heavy Going », tube expéditif et hâtif, on ressort aussi lessivé qu’après une nuit du Nouvel An bien agitée !
Une chose est déjà sûre, la suite risque d’arriver bien vite et mieux vaut rester sur vos gardes ; on voit mal comment il pourrait en être autrement !. http://www.indiemusic.fr/2016/01/01/males-go/
dimarts, 5 de gener del 2016
MONOGRAMS. Downer (Single)
Llevat d'un Ep de l'any 2014 els Monograms no havien donat senyals de vida fins al passat desembre que varen presentar aquest avançament d'un Ep que publicaran a començaments del 2016 sense data definida encara. Segueixen en la línia dels seu primer treball, una mescla entre indie i new wave que entra a la primera.
As is the evolution band formation in the 21st century, Monograms began as a guy (in this case, Ian Jacobs) and his laptop on a mattress somewhere. That resulted in the chimy, churning EP of indie pop called Fader that came out in June, 2014.
Jacobs has since befriended two dudes, the trio has a new EP coming in early 2016, and “Downer” is the first track released. Expectedly bigger and crunchier, it exposes how tight and punchy that earlier EP’s melodies really were. (cmj.com)
dilluns, 4 de gener del 2016
diumenge, 3 de gener del 2016
Els vampirs tornen sobrevolar Els Mons Diminuts aquesta vegada amb un Lp. El seu sarcasme i sentit de l'humor és el mateix de l'Ep que vàrem comentar aquí fa un parell de setmanes. Rock lo-fi de fabricació casolana un to naïf i amb l'encant de les coses fetes sincerament i sense grans mitjans. Hi trobareu en aquest treball temes directes i rabiosos com sempre. Bona entrada d'any Calum!
dissabte, 2 de gener del 2016
WOOLEN MEN. Options Ep, Rain Shapes Ep
Portland’s Woolen Men have already stung 2015 with a great LP released on Woodsist, but it seems they had more to give. Self-released as a cassette, Options gathers up six more cuts that lean on the band’s love of smashing 90’s grunge into propulsive post-punk. The tape is brief but from the outset the collection hits hard with the band finding a way to roll their sound in some gravel via opener, “Curtain,” then wiping down the speakers for a run through taut guitar territory. They cool for a bit on “Scarlet” before closing out the EP with a trio of muscular indie romps. The band is at home in the live setting, running through the Northwest’s DIY show scene in a regular rotation but with releases like this and the previous Temporary Monument they’re proving that their recorded output is just as enticing as the live experience.
Rain Shapes, the new seven-inch from Portland trio Woolen Men, is a charming affair. Trim, energetic and raw, it plugs along with a relentless bounce in its step. The four-track EP is a mix of lo-fi trappings and garage-y swagger, but it never feels like the group is trying to do too much. They’ve found a nice pocket of thrashy acoustic guitar, alt-rock beats, and really solid bass work, and they stick to it. Why? It works.
“Rain” is the opening track–and also the most explorative. It opens with a Rembrandts-esque guitar lick and segues into a rollicking acoustic chord riff. Like the other tracks, it’s upbeat, running on the steel backbone of a distinct, popping bass line. A harmonica break drops in, and the track fleshes itself out, revealing a subtle tinge of folk influence. “X Marks the Spot” and “No Deal” see a return to the more straightforward structure–crashing guitars and frenetic beats. The vocals are occasionally slightly ragged, but you get the sense it’s intentional, and rather than distract from the music (aside from the occasional sound imbalance), they add to the EP’s unapologetic charm.
Rain Shapes holds its own, and it’s worth keeping an ear out for Woolen Men as they continue to grow moving forward.
– Charles Trowbridge
WOOLEN MEN. Temporary Monument
Als Woolen Men els vaig descobrir el març de l'any passat amb un Ep que es deia Rain Shapes i ja varen entrar en un recopilatori mensual. Després, al setembre varen editar "Temporary Monument" i més envant, ja al desembre, publicaren un altre Ep amb temes descartats del disc que esteim comentant. Es podria dir per tant que el 2015 va ser un any ben aprofitat. Definir la música de Woolen Men és molt senzill, punk rock de tota la vida, peces directes, sense artificis i amb una producció d'anar per casa. el resultat però és molt recomanable com podreu comprovar si feis una aturada i escoltau un parell de temes, qualssevol perquè no m'agradaria destacar-ne cap. No passaran a la història però us faran passar una estona agradable. Després d'aquesta entrada n'hi trobareu dues més amb els dos Ep's que editaren també l'any passat. Si vos agradaven els Violent Femmes dels primers discs no dubteu a fer una aturada a qualsevol dels discs
[PRESENT-TIME PUNKS] A familiar, jittery nervousness pulses throughout Woolen Men's most high-strung moments. And while it's still there on Temporary Monument, the band's second album for the venerable Woodsist label, it's relayed in a much different form. Subbing out the garagelike tendencies splayed open on the trio's 2012 self-titled effort, Woolen Men further embrace a spartan approach to their sinewy rock, while also escalating the elegiac tension only hinted at on earlier efforts.
As conspicuous as the refocusing has been, it's guitarist Lawton Browning's growing assuredness in his vocal delivery that's enabled "Life in Hell" to wind up being an album standout. All that jangled finery, with Alex Geddes' melodic bass figures wrapping around Raf Spielman's speedy beat-keeping, makes the track a torrent of rushed emotion. "After the Flood," "On Cowardice" and the album-closing "Walking Out" offer brief breaks from all the fast-paced punk stuff, with "Flood" coming off as both contemplative and accusatory of a culture the band perceives to have polluted its hometown.
The rest of the album isn't as somber, even as songs' narrators continue watching life pass them by, traverse an ever-evolving cityscape or don't go to college. There's a spate of antecedents informing Temporary Monument, but Woolen Men seem to have steered themselves into a genre ripple enabling the trio to channel something supremely candid and, most of all, present.(wweek.com)
divendres, 1 de gener del 2016
Volem començar l'any amb un recopilatori de 100 temes que al llarg del 2015 ens han cridat l'atenció de forma especial. Hem de dir que en aquesta llista hi trobareu temes que han estat autèntics hits i que han circulat i molt per la xarxa entrant en moltes llistes mensuals i d'altres que per la seva "petitesa" pràcticament només han tengut cabuda en aquest blog de "mons diminuts". Així mateix senyalar també que grans hits que formen part de moltes altres llistes del milor de l'any, aquí no hi han cabut, no per manca de mèrits evidentment, sinó perquè es perdria una mica el sentit més íntim i personal que he volgut que impregnés aquesta recopilació. Estava dubtant també entre oferir una playlist o un enllaç de descàrrega i a la fi he optat per això. Aquí sota hi trobaràs l'enllaç i que en puguis gaudir tant com nosaltres d'aquestes cançons.
Switches. 15 beers
Hurry. Oozing Positivity
Honeymilk. Let's Talk About Compassion
Chumped. December Is The Longest Month
Brand Practice. Band practice theme song
The Gotobeds. New York's Alright (If You Like Sex & Phones)
Witching Waves. Better Run
Love L.U.V. And Only Friend
Tennis System. Dead Honey
Belle and Sebastian. Nobody's Empire
Radical Dads. Don't Go
Soft Peaks. All the Way
Menace Beach. Tastes Like Medicine
Twerps. Simple Feelings
Motorama. Heavy Wave
Unlikely Friends. Satellite Station
Zebra Hunt. Delaware
The Good Morrows. Get Out of My Head
Courtney Barnett. Pedestrian At Best
Colleen Green. Pay Attention
Westkust. Swirl
The Charlie Tipper Experiment. The Boys from Frampton Cotterell
Nervous Twitch. In The Street (If This is the Future)
Sofa Pets. Videotapes
The Rotaries. Town Light
Yes Sunshine. Because Of You
Dogheart. Night Jewels
American Culture. I Like American Culture
Dot Dash. Flowers
Crocodiles. Crybaby Demon
Circa Waves. T-Shirt Weather
Honduras. Paralyzed
Tame Impala. Let It Happen
I'm From Barcelona. Violins
Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin. Step Brother City
Flyying Colours. Running Late
Moon King. Apocalypse
The Helio Sequence. Stoic Resemblance
Residuels. Valley Of Fire
Rah Rah. Be Your Man
Beef Jerk. Move into the Ocean
Surfin' Mutants Pizza. PartyBrian Avenue
Best Coast. Feeling Ok
Eternal Summers. Gold and Stone
Joanna Gruesome. Last Year
Novella. Phrases
Fury Things. Saskatchewan
Teen Girl Scientist Monthly. Dark Rip
Cultfever. Youth
Cheatahs. Murasaki
Rolling Blackouts. Heard You're Moving
Ratboys. Bugs!
The Zephyr Bones. Weird Summer
France Camp. Marisha
Kid Wave. Best Friend
DYGL. Let's Get Into Your Car
Bad Bad. Hats'Shame'
Wavves X Cloud Nothings. Come Down
Clearance. You've Been Pre-Approved
Summer Fiction. Dirty Blonde
City Calm Down. Rabbit Run
The Stammer. Hey Joan
Kurt Vile. Pretty Pimpin
La Luz. You Disappear
Yo La Tengo. Friday I'm In Love (The Cure)
Day Ravies. Hickford Whizz
Girls Names. A Hunger Artist
Moving Panoramas. One
Wavves. Way Too Much
Fans. Born Into
Day Wave. Come Home Now
Fidlar. Drone
The Jungle Giants. What Do You Think
Mystery Pills. Pistol City Psalm
Deerhunter. Snakeskin
Foals. What Went Down
Tough Age. Flotsam
Miners. Wrings
Mainland. Not As Cool As Me
Landlines. Crystal Healing Vibes
Big Quiet. Maura & Dana
Bruising. Emo Friends
Salad Boys. No Taste Bomber
My Cruel Goro. Glue Buzz
The Noise Figures. Run
Three Man Cannon. Gold Or Silver
Grassfight. Please Don't Tell
Hamilton Leithauser & Paul Maroon. New England Crows
The Mantles. Island
Summer Twins. Demons
EL VY. Return to the Moon
Willie J Healey. Dude Like Him
Line And Circle. Roman Ruins
Sea Pinks. Depth of Field
The Chills Aurora Corona
DIIV. Bent (Roi's Song)
Beliefs.Tidal Wave
Lusts. Careless
Persian Rugs. Bedhead
The Brainstems. Redline