Quan el mes passat ja varem incloure "I dont wanna be funny anymore" de Lucy Dacus al recopilatori mensual ja vàrem quedar amb ganes d'escoltar el disc sencer i avui el tenim aquí. Na Lucy, de només 20 anys, s'ha juntat amb Miles Huffman, Mike Ferster, Jacob Blizard i Noma Illmensee per fabricar una artefacte sonor molt interessant. Folk, indie rock i americana a parts iguals amb una veu de cantant country al capdavant, normal si és de Richmond. Assenyala ella mateixa com a referents els Broken Social Scene, els Yo La Tengo o els Ava Luna i d'aquí no pot sortir més que un bon grapat de cançons. A destacar, a part de la que ja hem anomenat, "Strange Torpedo" i els més de set minuts intensos de "Map on a wall".
Hailing from Richmond, VA, Lucy Dacus and her band have been touring the east coast and Midwest the past year, and will be making their way to SXSW this spring during a month long tour following the release of her first album, No Burden. After a childhood of primarily musical theater and Bruce Springsteen thanks to her mom and dad, she bought an acoustic guitar and taught herself some chords with hopes of one day being the cool girl at church camp. Luckily things changed in high school when kind friends showed her Broken Social Scene, Yo La Tengo, and Ava Luna- bands she continues to listen to regularly. Lucy quickly fell in love with the Richmond music scene and did what she could to sneak into 18+ shows during her high school years, always content as a spectator, not yet participating despite the encouragement of friends. When she decided to study film in college, people were surprised and would say, "not music?" It took years of convincing, confidence building, and a great change of heart before Lucy decided to pursue music.
With the help of Miles Huffman on drums, Mike Ferster on guitar, Jacob Blizard on guitar, and Noma Illmensee on bass, Lucy's previously solo croons bite deeper and hit harder while the lyrics remain at the forefront, as honest and compelling as ever. No Burden was recorded one day in January 2015 in Nashville with producer/engineer/longtime friend Collin Pastore, Hayden Cotcher on drums, Christine Moad on bass, and Jacob Blizard on guitar. (terrorbird.com)