dissabte, 30 de juliol del 2016
divendres, 29 de juliol del 2016
No és la primera vegada que The Charlie Tipper Conspiracy surten al blog i seguint la línia que segueixen, no serà tampoc la darrera. Pop selecte és el que trobam en aquest nou Ep que comença amb un tema fantàstic com és "Let that feeling go" que segur que firmarien grups tan apreciats com els Luna o els Felt de ja fa temps. Una autèntica meravella per acompanyar una migdiada d'aquests dies de juliol. Encantadors.
dijous, 28 de juliol del 2016
Amb "i like the things you say" estrenen el disc aquests jovenets de San Antonio (Texas) i a nosaltres ens han agradat molt els temes que publiquen en el seu nou treball llarg. Tot i ser habitants de zona desèrtica la seva música té molt de californiana. Surf punk i cançons més pròpies de la costa oest americana que no del centre. Perfectes per a una festeta al costat de piscina en una nit estiuenca i ambient indie universitari.No espereu una gran producció ni res semblant, temes directes i amb una certa urgència i aquest encant especial de les coses DIY.
dimecres, 27 de juliol del 2016
El pop i el jangle pop sempre han estat uns estils que ens han cridat l'atenció i aquest disc que presentam avui n'és un fidel exponent. Els Young Scum són de Ritchmond i ells mateixos presenten aquest treball al seu bandcamp amb aquestes paraules que defineixen perfectament el tipus de temes que trabareu en aquest Ep: "Zona (an abbrieviation for arizona iced tea) ‘s five songs are full of 20-something angst. Hating your shitty boss, missing your old friends (at least who they used to be), and hoping that eating tacos will ease the pain. The somewhat distraught lyrics are masked by the pure pop bliss that is created by shimmering guitars, bouncy basslines, and singer Smith and backing vocalist Ali Mislowsky’s honey drenched vocals. guitar-heavy indie pop that gets loud, but not too loud, it will make you cry and dance at the same time." - Young Scum
Young Scum are just one of those bands that have burst onto the scene fully formed and good to go, unlike so many bands that take years to find their voice the indie rockers from Richmond, VA have mastered their craft the very first time of asking. It’s the kind of music that American bands do so exceptionally well. Exuding memories of lazy hot summers, time spent with friends and growing up, there’s no question that If You Say That has the essence of a track that’s going to represent a Polaroid of your life at some point down the line. Even if it’s just a snap shot of that house party, where you passed out on the basement floor.
Going all out for guitar bliss, the Virginia based jangle architects are letting their lilting-pop melodies and fuzzy riffs lay all of the foundations when it comes to their music making methodology. Forever lulling you into a false sense of security If You Say That starts off as a melodically twee indie-pop song, meandering it’s way through verse section after verse section, utilising lush guitar tones and reverb along the way. As the seconds fall by the wayside, the genre quickly shifts us with the howls of a crunching but yet charismatic crescendo, not reminiscent of the jangle-pop of old we are all too familiar with.
Young Scum aren’t without there influences, striving for greatness they draw inspiration from bands such as Teenage Fan Club and The Smiths which helps them to retain those 90’s inspired indie-rock characteristics we all admire so much. The best news is that there is much more to come from the River City four piece as they get hyped for the release of their five track debut EP Zona (an abbreviation of Arizona iced tea) via Citrus City Records. Zona’s tracks are said to be full to the brim with 20-something angst. A record about hating your shitty boss, missing your old friends (at least who they used to be) and hoping that eating tacos will ease all of the pain.
dilluns, 25 de juliol del 2016
Com cada estiu, de la mà de Dj Boscana, arriba una nova sessió aquesta vegada no només amb temes actuals sinó barrejats amb temes de fa temps i que solen ser habituals a les nostres sessions. Esperam que sigui una sessió que vos pugui acompanyar aquests dies de calor sufocant i contribueixi a fer-la més agradable. Ja ho sabeu, ens tornarem a trobar la propera tardor.
dimecres, 20 de juliol del 2016
SUMMER SAMPLER #3. Howlin Banana Records
Howlin Banana Records és un segell francès dedicat bàsicament a publicar temes i grups de garatge en totes les seves variants i durant els estius solen publicar un sampler gratuït que avui vos presentam.
dimarts, 19 de juliol del 2016
dilluns, 18 de juliol del 2016
dimecres, 13 de juliol del 2016
dijous, 7 de juliol del 2016
El grup de Londres Happy Accidents acaba de publicar fa pocs dies el seu primer treball de llarga durada al seu bandcamp. A la primera escolta ja he quedat enganxat en aquesta mena de noisy pop que tant vaig seguir els anys 90. Em venen al cap grups com els Buffalo Tom, els Teenage Fanclub els Magnapop i d'altres. Un treball ben recomanable i de fàcil assimilació. Al recopilatori mensual hi han anat directament "Leaving parties early" i "Running", així que ja podeu veure les nostres preferències.
“Oh why can’t I just enjoy anything?” asks Neil Mandell on Happy Accidents’ debut album. He obviously hasn’t listened back to his record; You Might Be Right fizzes with energetic brio.
Sam Lambeth reviews.
It has often been discussed that the trio is the purest form of music – guitars can rollick and rally without being inhabited and saturated with a second six-string, the bass can boom and banish, and the drums have room to create tension. The latest entry to this canon comes in the shape of Happy Accidents, a name that, upon stumbling onto their single Leaving Parties Early, proved to be no misnomer.
You Might Be Right wears its influences on its Topman sleeve – think of eternally young, fizzy rock trios such as The Subways, Ash and The Wombats, but distilled with an American sensibility.
Opener But You’re Probably Wrong has a lo-fi lilt that recalls Terror Twilight-era Pavement, as does the Malkmus-style drones of Feel the Same – Unfavourably. Drummer Phoebe Cross adds a welcome sense of grace and humility with her heavenly backing vocals, elevating the Built to Spill-style crunch of Chameleon and the jaunty, but jaded, indie stabs of Quiet.
When Happy Accidents rev up the distortion, it’s all the more welcome. The aforementioned Leaving Parties Early has the jagged edges of the kinds of indie rock bands that were unfavourably left behind at the turn of the ‘tennies. The halfway mark of the record yields a three-punch pack of rollicking riffs – Spinning is suitably frenetic, boasting the choppy guitar motifs that could have soundtracked the credits to an Inbetweeners’ episode, while Facts and Figures moulds and meshes from a waltzy contemplation into a raging crescendo.
I Can’t Wait To Get the Hell Away From You lives up to its Wannadies-esque title, full of young chutzpah and shrugging snarls. Overall, though, Happy Accidents wrap their insecurities and idiosyncratic personalities into a cocoon of catchy choruses, fuzzy laments and breakneck introspection. Check them out – you might be glad you did.
dimecres, 6 de juliol del 2016
SEAFANG. Motorcycle Song
Molt poca informació hem pogut trobar d'aquest grup a tota la xarxa llevat que són de Florida. Pel que fa a la seva música podríem senyalar que es troba entre el power pop i el garatge punk. Temes directes i potents amb unes guitarres ben presents i unes veus femenines que cerquen la melodia contínuament. Tres temes, els d'aquest single, ben interessants. Particularment em qued amb el segon, el que dóna nom al single, "Motorcycle Song"